Sunday, May 3, 2009

Point Park or bust. . .

Sooooo. . . in case you all didn't hear, I got accepted into the Conservatory of Performing Arts at Point Park University! PPU just happens to be one of the top schools in the country for Musical Theatre. Fierce! I have finally found the school where I belong. 3 tries and a SHIT TON of stress later, I am finally heading in the right direction!!!! I am soooo excited to finally be around a group of hard working, motivated, passionate, driven and self disciplined group of performers who actually know where they want to be in 5 years!
I thank you all who have supported me during this transition. To all of the folks who heard me whine and whine over and over again about not being happy where I was, I thank you for listening and getting me through it! You all have stuck by me and been my support and inspiration and, for that, I am truly blessed and grateful!
